Saturday, January 3, 2015

In the Beginning

A few days ago a friend posted on Facebook that she was going to do the Book of Mormon 365 day challenge.  Through Instagram there are 2 sites that give you daily scriptures to read and then they ask you a question to help you ponder and explore what you've read that day.  I found the idea brilliant and have been following along.  I've spent more time the past 3 days reading and thinking about what I've read more than I ever have in my lifetime.  The scripture verses that they give aren't chapters long.  And so it makes the reading enjoyable.  I find myself spending more time thinking about my answers to the questions than I do in the actual reading.  I find myself heading to to find talks and thoughts and quotes that I've been putting in a hand written journal.  But it's hard to put videos in my journal.  And while the quotes are great, I'm loving the fun quotes found on pinterest or on the media page of  And for those who don't know me, I am a sucker for pretty things.

My friend has started up a "secret" facebook page where we all can post and discuss the questions of the day.  Which I love.  But the questions today have taken up a few pages in my journal and as much as I love everyone to read everything I'm writing, I'm sure they don't want the doctrine according to Laura filling up the page.  So I thought that I'd like a place where I can put my thoughts, my videos, my pictures up in one place.  Then year to year I'll have a place I can reflect on and see my own growth.

So, this blog is for me.  But feel free to join me as I spend the year studying the Book of Mormon.


ps.  We are following 2 different groups BofM365 and BoM365.  The reading schedule is the same, but they post different questions.  I enjoy answering both. 

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